Old Photographs – Up to $250
Today, most people don’t go a day without taking a picture on their phone. But back in the day, taking a photograph was a practice reserved for the rich and famous – and they were unlike anything we create today. They took hours to print and develop, and they weren’t the colorful photos that we know and love today. Instead, they were black and white and sepia-toned, and these are the ones you need to look out for.
Although they won’t fetch you millions, certain black-and-white and sepia-tone photos can sell for up to $250 to the right buyer. Just make sure you don’t sell anything too personal.
Cookie Jars – Up to $500
Everyone loves a cookie, right? And while some people will simply eat them straight out of the packet, others love to have an eye-catching cookie jar in their kitchen. But if yours has made its way up into the attic over the years, you might want to head up there and brush the dust off your cookie jar. That’s because some cookie jars have become collectibles, and can sell for up to $500.
However, it’s important to note that the only cookie jars worth this much are normally ones from the 1940s and 1950s. So you might need to get it appraised before trying to sell it.
Kitchen Appliances – Up to $400
Nowadays, it seems as though everyone wants to fill their home with high-end appliances and crockery like KitchenAid mixers and Le Creuset cookware. And while most people opt for modern releases, what many don’t realize is that these brands have been around for decades – and there are people out there willing to shell out some serious cash for the old-school releases. So, do you have any in your attic?
If you have a working KitchenAid mixer, you could easily sell it for $400. Don’t worry if it’s broken, either, as a broken machine will still add an extra $100 to your pocket.
Ceramic Christmas Trees – Up to $300
During the 1980s, ceramic Christmas trees had a real moment. They were normally either white or green in color and covered in different colored festive lights. At the time, you would be hard-pressed to find a home that didn’t have one of these Christmas trees in it around the holidays, but when trends changed and people began to think that these decorations were tacky rather than tasteful, many people got rid of them.

But if you know your family used to have one – or even a few – of these Christmas trees, it’s still worth rummaging in the attic for one. In fact, you could sell one for up to $300 if you find one.
Depression Glass – Up to $400
As you can probably tell by the name, Depression glass was created during the Great Depression. Major food brands often offer this glass free of charge with their products to encourage shoppers to buy it, and this type of glass could be distinguished by its unusual colors – often pink, green, and yellow. And while most people simply threw this glass away when finances began to recuperate, it’s worth checking if you still have some.
Many collectors spend their days searching the internet for new Depression glass to add to their collection, and they’re willing to part with $400 if they find a set they like.
Vintage T-Shirts
Trends are never linear, and what was considered tacky and inappropriate one decade will become the talk of the town the next. This has been the case for vintage band T-shirts, which were once considered to be garish and over-the-top. But they’ve seen a resurgence in popularity over the years, with collectors doing everything they can to get their hands on older, vintage T-shirts from the golden age of music.
Because of this, some will even shell out up to $500 of their own money just to add a single shirt to their collection. And the one they want may just be sitting in a box in your attic.
Typewriters – Up to $750
In a world full of laptops, computers, phones, and tablets, typewriters may seem like a waste of time. But the reality is that some collectors love the clunk and the authenticity of a real typewriter, and some people think that they’re cooler than ever. This is especially true for iconic typewriter brands such as Royal, Smith Corona, Remington, and Underwood. So, do you have any of these in the attic?
If you do, you won’t have to look too hard to find collectors willing to pay up to $750 to call your old typewriters theirs. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in full working condition, either.
Murano Glass – Up to $1,250
Nowadays, new Murano Glass will set you back a small fortune. Hailing from a small island in Venice, Murano Glass is unique in terms of its production and colouring, and some people will travel across the globe to buy some to call their own. However, it’s only recently seen a resurgence in its popularity – which meant that there was a time when it was extremely affordable and easy to buy.

Because of this, many people have pieces of Murano Glass sitting in their attic and gathering dust. It’s well worth dusting it off, though, and some pieces can fetch up to $1,250 at auction.
Old Perfume Bottles
Although many people simply buy a bottle of perfume and then throw away the bottle when it’s empty, it’s important to remember that there’s a lot of money in the perfume collectable business. This is especially true for older perfumes that were once sold in stunning bottles with eye-catching designs that have gone down in history as some of the best in the world. So, it’s worth checking the attic for any old bottles your nana decided to keep.
If you manage to find a bottle from the early 1900s, you could have a serious gold mine on your hands as some bottles will sell for over $500 to the right bidder.
Art Deco Clocks – Up to $1,000
The Art Deco movement went out of fashion during the 1940s, but it’s now considered to be one of the best artistic movements the world has ever seen. From fashion to furniture and architecture, many collectors love the bold geometric forms that came with it and do everything they can to fill their homes with relics of this impressive era. And one thing they love more than anything is Art Deco clocks.
Clocks like the one above are in high demand among collectors, and clocks from brands such as Telechron and Westclox can fetch up to $1,000 if you sell it to the right person.
Costume Jewelry – Up to $1,300
Costume jewelry has always been cheaper than real jewelry. After all, the general purpose is to look good and make a statement with your outfit – and sometimes, this means that cheaper materials and faux diamonds are used. And while you may assume that this means costume jewelry is worthless, it seems as though the opposite is true. Many collectors love costume jewelry, and are constantly seeking to add new pieces to their collections.
This is especially true if you have Bakelite costume jewelry in your attic, as collectors go wild for these pieces and will happily pay up to $1,300 – even if it’s just for a small ring.
Children’s Lunch Boxes – Up to $1,650
Although most kids now buy lunch at school or take their lunch in a plain lunch box, the 1960s was a different era with different trends. And most kids would walk proudly into school with their themed lunch box under their arms. From lunch boxes of TV shows to superhero lunch boxes or even just celebrity-themed lunch boxes, there were so many different options on offer – and collectors now absolutely love them.

If you still have one in your attic – and it’s still in fairly good condition – you’ll be happy to know that you can sell your old lunch box for up to $1,650 to the right buyer.
Cabbage Patch Kids – Up to $3,500
Although Cabbage Patch Kids are still around today, they really hit their peak during the 1980s and 1990s. There wasn’t a single kid in the neighborhood who didn’t have one of these dolls, and most people tried to make their collection as big as could be. As a result, you might still have a few of these in your attic – and it’s well worth trying to fish them out of their box.
Today, these old-school Cabbage Patch Kids are more in demand than ever – but only if they’re in their original box. If you can find one, there’s a high chance that you’ll be $3,500 richer.
Turntables – Up to $3,000
By the time the 1980s came around, vinyl records were replaced by cassette tapes before being replaced by CDs, then iPods, and then streaming sites. As a result, many people decided to get rid of their records to stop them from taking up unnecessary space. But some people kept their vinyl records and turntables in the hope that they’ll see a resurgence in popularity – and that’s exactly what has happened in today’s day and age.
If you have some old turntables sitting in the attic, you could be sitting on a gold mine. Collectors are always after the best makes and models – such as the Pioneer PL-570 – and will pay up to $3,000 to take them off your hands.
Electronic Music Equipment – Up to $3,000
If you fancied yourself as a musician back in the day, you might have stocked up on everything you needed to make your own music – from reverb units to amplifiers. Like many others, you may have given up on your dreams of being the next Kurt Cobain when life got in the way, but did you keep your electronic music equipment? If you did, you might want to head into the attic and grab it.
If this equipment still works – or is broken but needs an easy fix – you could bag yourself a few dollars if you sell it to the right buyer. In some cases, you could get up to $3,000.
American Girl Dolls – Up to $3,000
There was once a time when American Girl Dolls were all the rage. Young girls begged their parents to buy them the latest release so that they could add to their collection, and many ended up with countless dolls to their name. But when Barbie came along, the American Girl Dolls faded into the background, with young girls preferring the petite blonde instead. Do you still have some of yours, though?

If you have any that were made in 1986 and they’re still in their original boxes, you have the potential to make up to $3,000 from collectors. Even without the box they can sell for a small fortune.
Colorful Pyrex Dishes – Up to $4,000
During the 1950s, colorful Pyrex dishes were all the rage and everyone’s mom would head to every store in town to pick up the latest color so that they could add to their collection. But as with all things, it didn’t take long for them to go out of style – so the dishes got pushed to the back of the cupboard or shoved in the attic for safekeeping.
Now, they’ve come back in fashion and eagle-eyed buyers are on the lookout for original Pyrex dishes. And if you have the “Lucky in Love” patterned dish, you could be up to $4,000 richer.
Event Tickets – Up to $4,000
Back in the day, when scoring tickets to music events didn’t bankrupt you or force you to remortgage your house, event tickets came in paper form. They were often designed with the particular artist in mind, and they became somewhat of a keepsake for music fans who wanted to stick the tickets up on their walls. And while they were eventually taken down, you might want to check whether you threw them in the trash or not.
If you didn’t, you might want to get them valued or have a look on eBay for similar tickets. Some of the most sought-out tickets are historical events, and they can fetch up to $4,000.
Lionel Train Sets – Up to $5,500
Although cars are now all the rage, there was once a time when kids would grow up with a train set in their playrooms. These train sets came with carriages, train tracks, and even train stations and other buildings to make the whole situation as realistic as possible. And while most kids grow out of trains, there are others who continue to love them well into adulthood – and these are the ones looking to add old train sets to their collections.
So, if you have an old train set in your attic – in particular anything made by Lionel – you could be sitting on a goldmine, as some have sold for up to $5,000.
Film Cameras – Up to $5,000
In today’s day and age, there are many people who prefer the old to the new. And while the photography world is full of modern cameras, Photoshop, and even AI technology, there are some who want to fight back against this modernism by using relics from the past – like old film cameras. In fact, they’re after the cameras that you or your grandma may have used back in the day.

If you have a popular vintage model in your attic – like the M6 Leica, for example – you could fetch thousands for your wallet. Perhaps even as much as $5,000.
Silverware – Up to $5,000
It’s not hard to come by modern silverware, but vintage silverware sets were in another league. Many collectors love the history and the craftmanship of these older sets, and they set their sights on specific brands and makes to add to their own collections. And there’s a high chance that you have an old silverware set sitting in the back of your cupboard – so, would you be willing to sell it?
If you are, it’s a good idea to first get it appraised before approaching sellers to ensure you’re getting what it’s worth. In some cases, this could be up to $5,000.
Old Magazines – Up to $8,000
Next time you head into your attic, keep your eyes peeled for any old magazines. And while you could spend hours reminiscing on the old fashion, music, and celebrities and taking the old quizzes, there’s a much better reason why you’d want to brush the dust off them and give them your attention. That’s because many of these magazines have since become major collectors’ items, and people will pay a fortune for them.
If you happen to have first editions of famous covers, you could potentially be sitting on a nest egg worth thousands. Some have even sold for up to $8,000 in the past.
Arcade Games – Up to $10,000
Nowadays, retro is cool again. From ’00s fashion to ’90s music and even old-school arcade games, it now seems as though everyone wants a piece of this retro life. This will work in your favor if you have old arcade games gathering dust in the basement or hiding in the back of your garage. That’s because many of these machines will sell for thousands to the right kind of bidder.

In fact, rarer arcade machines like Asteroids have been known to sell for up to $10,000. But even less rare arcade games will go for a few thousand. So, it’s worth taking a look.
Furniture From the ’80s – Up to $40,000
When you think of the ’80s, you probably think of flower power and a rise in technology. But the 1980s was also the prime time for furniture production. During this decade, manufacturers and brands decided to bend the rules of what was considered ‘normal’ furniture and create pieces with bold colors, intriguing shapes, and quirky fabrics. And while decades have passed since this was trendy, this type of furniture is now hotter than ever again.
So, if you have ’80s furniture in your house or you have some hiding up in the attic, it’s worth getting it appraised to see whether it’s the kind of furniture that people will now pay up to $40,000 for.
Beanie Babies – Up to $15,000
You probably don’t need us to tell you that Beanie Babies are now super famous. Although they were once considered to be regular soft toys, they’ve now become known as the ultimate collectors’ item – especially the rare special edition Beanie Babies. In fact, a Princess Diana Beanie Baby sold to the highest bidder for a whopping $350,000 back in 2022 – and there are many others that are worth a fortune.
In some cases, you may be able to get $15,000 for a rare Beanie Baby sitting in the attic. You just need to make sure that it’s not too dirty or damaged after years in a box.
LEGO Sets – Up to $20,000
Since its release, LEGO has always been extremely popular – but there’s no doubt about the fact that its popularity has ebbed and flowed over the years. Right now, LEGO is extremely hot again, and new sets are released on an almost weekly basis. And while some LEGO fans love these new releases, purists prefer the older sets and are willing to shell out a small fortune to get their hands on them.
Many of the older sets have recently been selling for up to $20,000, but it seems as though collectors are picky about which ones they want. So, don’t accept the first bid.
First Edition Books – Up to $25,000
Although you can pick up cheap books at your local bookstore or online from places like Amazon, there’s a very big difference between everyday books and first-edition books. What’s more, some people buy first-edition books without even realising that they’re first-edition, which is why it’s always a good idea to check the books that are sitting in your attic. If you have any first editions, you could be sitting on a goldmine.

The first editions of iconic books can fetch up to $25,000 if you find the right buyer, but it’s always a good idea to get it appraised before making any moves.
Air Jordans – Up to $150,000
Let’s be honest; everyone has at least one pair of sneakers in their house. You might even have some Air Jordans, but you can’t just sell your 2020 sneakers on eBay for hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you have limited edition Air Jordans or have vintage Air Jordans that are in impeccable condition (bonus points if they are still in the box), then you could be onto a winner, though.
Sneaker collectors take their hobby extremely seriously and are constantly on the lookout for new ones to add to their collection. Some even sell for up to $150,000 – or more.
Old Coins – Up to $125,000
When you were younger, your grandparents probably gifted you random coins that you didn’t want. But while you may not have appreciated them at the time, we hope you chose to hold onto them – or at least keep them in the attic just in case. After all, coin collecting is an expensive business, and those who collect coins will happily spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to add rare coins to their collections.
In fact, if you have any silver nickels circa World War II, you could be in possession of coins that are worth up to $125,000. So, it’s worth digging out any you can find and double-checking their worth.
Kenner Star Wars Toys – Up to $25,000
Although Star Wars is now regarded as one of the most impressive movie franchises of all time, there was a time when movie executives were worried it would be a flop. As a result, they only asked Kenner to release a limited number of toys in preparation for the first film’s release. Of course, it immediately surpassed all of their expectations and they ordered another toy company to make even more of them.
As a result, the Kenner toys are now some of the most sought-out collectibles in the world, with many Star Wars fans shelling out up to $25,000 to get their hands on them.
Hot Wheels – Up to $175,000
Hot Wheels are still around today, so you might be surprised to see them on this list. And while you can’t just head to the store and buy some Hot Wheels to sell for $175,000, you can head into your attic to see if you have any old Hot Wheels laying in a box somewhere. If you do, there’s probably a wealthy collector out there who really wants to buy it off you.

This is especially true if you have any prototypes in your possession, as in 2023, a prototype of the 1969 Pink, Rear-Loading Beach Bomb sold for just under $200,000 at auction.
Concert Posters – Up to $275,000
Although it’s not as common nowadays, there’s a high chance that you spent your younger years with posters on your bedroom walls. Your posters may have been of your favorite celebrities, your favorite movie, or maybe even your favorite album. But did you ever buy any concert posters and stick them up there? If you did, it’s well worth checking whether you kept them and stuck them in the attic for safe keeping.
If you happen to find any, make sure you check their condition and what the concert was. If it was an iconic date with an iconic band or musician, it could fetch up to $275,000.
Watches – Up to $300,000
You may have dreamed of owning a Rolex watch when you were younger because you loved how expensive and elusive it was. But one thing you might not realize is that they aren’t the only expensive watches in the world. So, this is something to consider if you were gifted a watch that wasn’t a Rolex during your earlier years as you may have been gifted something that’s worth way more than you think.
If you have a vintage watch but assumed it was junk, you might want to get it appraised just to be sure. In the best case scenario, your watch could be worth $300,000.
Electric Guitars – Up to $250,000
Musicians are purists through and through, and they don’t just appreciate the music that instruments make. They also appreciate the instrument itself – from the craftmanship to the history. That’s why they’re constantly on the lookout for iconic guitars to add to their collection. This is also the case for electric guitars, with collectors doing everything they can (and pay anything they can) to get their hands on rare Fenders and Gibsons.
So, if you have any old electric guitars in your attic, you could be sitting on a goldmine of up to $250,000. They don’t even necessarily have to work to be worth a fortune.
Comic Books – Up to $6 Million
Did you love comic books growing up? If you did, we really hope you didn’t throw them away as you got older, as they could now be worth a fortune. After all, there’s a huge amount of money in the superhero collectables world, and comic books are often the most expensive of them all. This is especially true if you have a rare copy or the very first comic of a major franchise.

In 2024, the most expensive comic book ever sold was the first issue that introduced Superman himself, and that sold for an incredible $6 million. So, it’s worth checking your attic.
Pokémon Cards – Up to $295,000
Everyone knows that Pokémon cards are a collector’s item. After all, most kids have gone through the motions of buying packs of cards, trying to fill up their books, and trading with others in their class until they have all of the shiny ones they want. But while some cards are easy to find, other cards are extremely rare – and these are the ones that will sell for a fortune if you have them.
In 2020, a rare limited-edition Charizard card sold for a whopping $295,000 – and there are still many cards out there that collectors are trying to get their hands on.
Vinyl Records – Up to $800,000
Whether you’ve inherited your grandfather’s record collection or you’ve just created your own from thrift stores and second-hand websites, it might be time to go through what you have an see whether you have anything special. Of course, you might think all of the music is special – but are the records themselves rare? If they are, you could be sitting on a hefty music fortune without even realizing it.
For example, the first-ever pressed vinyl of a Beatles album sold in 2023 for an incredible $800,000 at auction. And its these first editions that fetch the most if you have them.
Magic: The Gathering Cards – Up to $511,000
Although they may have never received the international acclaim that other trading cards have received, Magic: The Gathering cards are hotter than ever. Fans of the game do everything in their power to build up their collection and fill the gaps in their books, and it seems as though they’ll stop at nothing to get their hands on the ones that they really need to get a full set of cards.
So, have a look and see if you have any in your attic. At the time of writing, the most expensive Magic: The Gathering card sold for $511,000 at auction – but could you beat that?
Barbies – Up to $302,000
Although many other dolls and toys have made their way onto this list, none of them come close to the Barbie doll. Made by Mattel, the Barbie paved the way for a whole empire – from dolls to movie franchises and more. And while millions of Barbies have been released over the years, many limited edition, rare Barbies have also been released since she first made her mark on the world.
In fact, the most expensive Barbie ever sold was a rare doll worth a whopping $302,000. But even those that aren’t rare can still fetch a fair amount at auction.