1. Oh, Not This Again’
Kids today don’t know the error report struggle. It was so irritating. Believe it or not, getting rid of the error report was one of the most challenging tasks. Most people used to turn off the computer and go to bed.
2. When There Was No Need to Go To The Gym

This is something most kids nowadays wouldn’t even recognize (hint: it was replaced by buttons like everything else). Back then, there was no need to go to the gym as it took a lot of strength to get the car’s window down by using one of these levers.
3. The Story of Every School Project

’90s kids can confirm how they used to make unnecessary decorations with the help of WordArt gallery. It may look absurd now, but it was a hot feature back then amongst students.
4. Think Your Internet Is Slow?

Saving a file back then was a time-consuming task, it could have taken years. Legend has it that some people are still waiting for their files to transfer.
5. Hot Jeans

This style may seem very strange to the kids of today, even ’90s kids are wondering why they were popular. Nevertheless, these pants were a big hit in the 1990s, especially in 1999.
6. The Beautiful Dial Tone

You can almost hear that unforgettable dial tone just from looking at this photo, can’t you? Those were the times when the internet was super slow and you would have to yell to your sister to get off the phone so you could use the computer.
7. This Is So True!
Have you seen middle schoolers recently? They no longer have to suffer through the “awkward phase”, and it is so unfair. Kids nowadays are so much more fashion-conscious than we were at those ages. Some are better dressed than most adults.
8. The Best and Smoothest Thing

Most gamers or non-gamers must be licking their lips after seeing this one. This round ball inside the computer mouse was a fascinating thing. Did you know that it was a round steel ball inside.
9. When You Needed These To Look Cool

Remember these poplar portable media players? Before the iPods, these were considered a big deal. Carrying it around just to hear your favorite songs was not easy. And let’s not forget the fear of dropping this bad boy. One fall and it’s all over.
10. Tangled (1990)

The youths of today will never understand the frustration of getting tangled in one of these chords. And thanks to smartphones, we no longer see this frightening sight anymore.
11. One Task At A Time

’90s kids will remember that no one could be on the computer when you wanted to make a phone call. If someone ever tried to make a phone call, the phone would make weird noises and guess what…a disconnected internet.
12. Different Roads, One Destination

’90s kids can confirm how they had to go through multiple menus just to reach their ultimate goal; the Games section. It may seem like a lot of work to kids of this decade, but we had no problem with it.
13. Ah, Those Were The Best Times
As today all you have to do is block the number, it wasn’t that easy before smart phones existed. Those were simple times and everything wasn’t as complicated as it is now.